The Mental Health Benefits of Being Outside

The Mental Health Benefits of Being Outside

Whether it's the fresh air, the calming sounds, or spectacular scenery, explore some of the benefits of spending time outdoors, and how it can improve your overall well-being. With the 9-5 grind and plenty of online and offline distractions to deal with, it’s becoming more tempting to skip proper breaks that would otherwise help alleviate stress and help you get your day’s worth of recommended exercise. Find out why being outdoors is good for mental health. Keep your fitness journey in check when you explore the fitness clothing and fitness shoes collection and enhance your workout experiences.


Working out outdoors, often referred to as ‘green exercise’, whether for 30 minutes or 3 hours, can significantly enhance your physical and mental wellbeing. Read on to look at the mental health benefits of spending time outdoors and some practical tips to seamlessly incorporate outdoor exercise into your daily routine.

1. It Makes You happy

Outdoor workouts can truly open the floodgates of endorphins. Exercise is renowned for releasing these neurotransmitters, which help alleviate stress and pain, often leading to what many describe as a 'runner's high'. Engaging in physical activity outside will help effectively boost endorphin release. Additionally, exercising outdoors enhances blood circulation to the brain, further improving self-esteem and an overall sense of wellbeing.

2. Improves your Quality of Sleep

Simply taking a stroll during the late afternoon or early evening can significantly enhance relaxation and sleep quality. A restful night not only sharpens brain function and elevates mood and well-being, but it also fortifies the immune and hormonal systems. Ensure getting quality sleep every night by having light dinners a couple of hours prior to bedtime.

3. Offers Stress-release

Whether it's the sound of a rainforest or a waterfall, nature has a way of calming us down. These natural sounds have been shown to reduce blood pressure, decrease levels of the stress hormone called cortisol, and temper the fight or flight response. By dedicating just 30 minutes a day to outdoor activity, you can significantly reduce your overall stress levels.


Boost your health and mood with these simple outdoor activities, perfect for anyone looking to connect with nature.

Go for a Walk: Beginning your journey into the great outdoors? Walking is the perfect starting point if you aim to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Even amidst a hectic schedule, integrate walking into your day. It could be a segment of your commute, strolling with your dog, or a leisurely catch-up with a friend.


Take Up Cycling: Don't just view cycling as a transport option. Beyond getting you from A to B, cycling provides a mental sanctuary. The rhythmic pedaling and steady breaths can be almost meditative. Discover more about road cycling and everything you need for your journey when you check out our Road Cycling Essentials blog.


Discover Hiking: While this might require a tad more preparation compared to the earlier options, the rewards of a nature hike are unparalleled. Start with an easy-paced, flat terrain that wraps up in under two hours. If you're a beginner and haven't been particularly active, you'll soon find yourself enamored with hiking. Keen on exploring further? Check out our blog Top 5 Benefits of Walking & Hiking and improve your active lifestyle.


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